General admission and all programs are free for everyone.

- October 01, 2019
Larry Millard
(Georgia, b. 1950)
Alert, 2017
10 ½ ‘ (H) x 4’ (W) x 3’ (D)
Larry Millard has shown nationally and internationally throughout his career. He is Professor Emeritus at The University of Georgia having taught sculpture and design for nearly forty years. He spent 1981-82 as visiting professor at The OhioState University. During his career he has had 22 solo exhibitions and his work has been included in over 200 group exhibitions and numerous public art venues. He has received several awards. grants, and commissions for his creative work and teaching. Currently, he serves on the boards of directors of the Mid-South Sculpture Alliance and the Greater Augusta Arts Council. His time is divided between Augusta and Athens, GA, and New York, NY.
Larry Millard received a MFA in Sculpture from Washington University, St. Louis,Missouri; a BFA in Sculpture from East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee; and a Certificate of Historic Preservation Studies from TheCollege of Environment and Design, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.